Love as shared moments in time

Exhibition: Selfie for myself

15.03.2019 - 22.03.2019
Opening on 14.03.2019 - 6 PM
De↯Bouwput - Ferdinand Huyckstraat 74

Two artists Nataly Kozhukhovskaya & Vika VI are going to have a blast at Opening party of Selfie for myself exhibition!
Share painting and photo art vibes, some cool printed stuff & love.
Come and join us, bring your fellas, gonna be loud!

Open talk: Love as shared moments in time

22.03.2019 - 7 PM
De↯Bouwput - Ferdinand Huyckstraat 74

In this informal and theoretical talk, Andrew Demetriou will be discussing the path to the PhD project he has just begun. He asks, can we can take various theories that have tried to explain love, intimacy and social bonding, and the persistent human appreciation of music to better understand love actually is? And is a fruitful first step, the study of individuals creating and experiencing music?
About Andrew Demetriou
Andrew is a researcher whose primary interest is in the moments where human beings form bonds both weak and strong. Formally, the scope of his PhD research lies in the intersection of the psychological, biological and data sciences on the topics of 1) social bonding, 2) optimal mental states, 3) and people performing, rehearsing, and listening to music."
"We'll conclude with a playful discussion: Andrew will ask Nataly a few questions about her thoughts and experiences creating the work for this exhibit, and then we will open up the floor to our audience."